Comments from Educators
John Bucchino’s return to Cal State Fullerton was a total triumph! As an educator and an artist, I could not have been more pleased with his insights and encouragement for our students. His visit will energize them for weeks to come. The students loved everything about his Master Class: his comments, his music, his stories, and his discerning comments on the nuances of performing. Exceptional!
Mitch Hanlon
Professor of Voice
Cal State Fullerton
Dear John,
It hardly seems possible that a week has gone by since you were in Syracuse. We are still buzzing about the wonderful master class you gave. From your opening remarks to the final question and answer you created a warm welcome atmosphere that brought out the best in our singers. Each singer was handled with care and the development in each of them was quite remarkable. For some, you were able to bring their attention to the smallest details; in others the grand arc of the song came into focus. Several of my students told me that the experience changed their life. Hearing you speak about the genesis of each song was another highlight, but hearing you play and hearing the students' voices transported by that playing was the most exhilarating for me. Thank you for that experience.
I have put "It's Only Life" into the hopper for the 2012-2013 season.
Rebecca Karpoff
Department of Drama
Syracuse University
We were delighted to have John Bucchino as a guest in the Music Theatre course in May of 2002.
Six students prepared songs of his for performance, and he conducted a master class with them in front of an audience of 200. His pertinent comments, and helpful and charming manner in dealing with the students made the event both educationally invaluable and very entertaining.
I would, without hesitation, recommend him to conduct Master Classes in similar institutions. The presence of the composer stimulated and focused the students to a remarkable degree. He has inspired a large number of students to pursue their own creative work, with results that we can observe regularly in the course.
Head, Music Theatre
Western Australia Academy of Performing Arts
The recent master classes and concert by John Bucchino were nothing less than brilliant! John's music and lyrics not only charmed our audience at the concert, they inspired our students to a greater depth of understanding the moment to moment action of a musical theatre song. Layered with John's insightful coaching and nurturing, the residency was the best of all possible worlds.
George Pinney
Professor and Head of Musical Theatre
Department of Theatre and Drama
Indiana University
Dear John,
On behalf of the students and faculty of the musical theatre programs, I want to thank you for your willingness to take the time to come to the University of Miami and offer a Master Class and concert. The students are still high from both events, and especially for your personal touch with every student who performed for you.
You have a unique gift for disarming the students before they sing, creating a wonderful, non-judgmental atmosphere for these young singers to put up their best efforts without fear. I was very proud of our students’ work which was successful because you made it safe and fun for them to perform. You are a very savvy teacher. Your words are carefully chosen, and you articulate your reactions and suggestions so clearly and kindly. I learned as much as did the students!
David Alt, D.M.A.
Chairman Department of Vocal Performance
Program Director for Musical Theatre
Professor of Voice
University of Miami School of Music
There are not words to express how thrilled we are here at CCM to have had the John Bucchino experience!!! The students were familiar with his work quite some time ago. When I told them he was actually coming to work with them on his pieces and to follow that with a concert, they were beside themselves! One of the most wonderful comments from the students involved in the class was that John was so very open and patient with them. "His lyrics really speak to me" and "The melody always fits the words" are two comments I heard a lot. All this great work with the students was followed by the most dazzling concert with John at the piano. All in all, a perfect evening.
Patricia Linhart
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Voice In Musical Theatre
University of Cincinnati
College-Conservatory of Music
Dear John,
I am writing to thank you for the wonderful master class and concert you presented at Elon University. I speak for everyone when I say that 2 days was not enough and we can’t wait for you to visit us again. We have had many workshops and master classes in the past but never have I seen my students so inspired and motivated as they were during and after your stay.
All the Best,
Catherine McNeela
Chair of Performing Arts
Elon University
Hello John,
On behalf of our students and faculty, I wanted to let you know once again how absolutely delighted we were with your brilliant work with our students during your Master Class at the University of Central Oklahoma. This was a rare opportunity for our students to interact with the composer and lyricist of a song, and observe a personal performance directly from the creator of the work.
You generated so much excitement and enthusiasm with our students. They were inspired by your encouragement to explore their own personal meaning in your songs in a creatively safe environment. Some of the student comments were:
You possess such amazing gifts and unique abilities as both a pianist and songwriter. One of our piano faculty was awestruck on hearing your variations of "My Favorite Things" and was incredulous that you were self-trained. Personally, I have always been amazed at your ability to get inside the brains and emotions of all these characters that you create in your songs. How can you possibly know them so well?
Even with such astounding talent, you approach your work and teaching with humility, charm, and humor that students can't help but be inspired and motivated to do their best work.
I hope that we may get you to return some time in the future, and I encourage any music school to take advantage of your wonderful master classes.
Wishing you all the best,
Dr. Marilyn Govich
Division Head, Music Theatre/Opera
University of Central Oklahoma
Charming, brilliant... packaged to inspire!
Nils Riess
Chair, Department of Communications & Theatre Arts
Ohio Northern University
John is incredibly generous with his time when he comes to Elon to work with our students. During rehearsals for It's Only Life, he worked one on one with each of the soloists and their understudies and with each small and large group number to achieve the best work from every one of the vocalists. Having him accompany the performers is like a dream, of course, because John plays with such feeling and passion it cannot help but move them to deeper places. When John joined us during the week of production, he moved into his place in the show like putting on a well-fitted glove; one easy walk-through and then we were into full dress rehearsals without a hitch. He loves working with the performers and sharing his time and his heart with them. Doing It's Only Life with John Bucchino was truly a special time for Elon's music theatre program.
Linda Sabo
Associate Professor
Department of Performing Arts
Elon University
We were so happy to host John Bucchino for a masterclass and concert at Indiana University. It is rare to find a truly great artist who is also a truly great teacher and John was nothing short of both. The atmosphere of safety he created in his masterclass and private coachings helped our students to achieve some of their most vulnerable and truthful performances to date. What a satisfying endeavor it was for the students to work on John's beautiful songs, and then for them to have the opportunity to perform them WITH him behind the piano. It was a truly fulfilling experience for both our students and the theatre-going community in Bloomington Indiana, and an experience we'll look back on fondly for years to come! Thank you John Bucchino!
Ray Fellman, Professor of Voice for Musical Theatre,
Indiana University, Bloomington.
Comments from Students
“Working with John Bucchino was hands down the best opportunity I’ve had in college. His passion and love for his music was manifested in our performing, and I was blown away by the amount I was able to change in just a few days because of his work with us. My concept of music, most especially his, has been forever changed...”
“I thought his master class was sensational. My friend and I left saying ...that changed our lives!!”
“John Bucchino blew my mind! He is such an amazing composer, but also a supportive, insightful person and a great teacher. I learned so much from the masterclass, even though I didn't sing. It was great to learn first hand the back stories and inspiration behind his songs. You just can't get those things on Google. I'm inspired! I also have a heaps of awesome songs to add to my repertoire, songwriting hints, and a more comprehensive knowledge of performance tools to use.”
“Having the opportunity to sing with John reminded me why I decided to major in musical theatre in the first place. His music has an amazing power to affect an audience and with his help I was able to play around until I found the best way to do just that. It was so great to be able to sing his deeply personal music along with him and listen to the wonderful stories he had to share.”
“He created a wonderful atmosphere for the students to connect with the composer, something that very few people have the opportunity to experience. To watch him accompany students performing his own works was truly amazing; I left the master class with so much that I know will contribute to my own work later on.”
“The music was so amazing, and to watch how he interacted with each of the singers was incredible as he brought out so much life and meaning with each lyric. I was completely moved by observing the whole experience and walked away awestruck by the beautiful music and passion with which John Bucchino conducted his class. It was truly inspiring.”
“These few days with John have been nothing short of thrilling and I will always look back on this fondly as one of my most memorable experiences. This is what I want to do all the time! What a gift to be able to perform a composer’s songs with him! John communicates the most compelling stories and inspiring messages in his music. There is always at least one of his songs that expresses what’s going on in my life at any given moment. John possesses an incredible emotional intelligence that makes it easy to connect: he is kind and encouraging, open and giving. He made me feel so good about myself and he had the most beautiful advice to give. I am truly grateful! Thank you!!!”
“John Bucchino is a terrific encourager and captivating composer. He really communicated well with us. People were able to take his suggestions of what to improve and run with them.”
“I thought I would be nervous about singing someone's own work for them, but from the minute I shook John's hand I wasn't so worried about it. It was great to work with an artist who is so talented yet humble, and I'm incredibly grateful for the entire experience.”
“I had the invaluable opportunity to work with John Bucchino in a master class, and I consider it one of the most helpful and inspiring classes I've participated in. Bucchino's enthusiasm for his music and the singers he works with was palpable throughout the class, and I'm grateful for the encouragement he gave me to find new unexpected truths in a piece that I'd been singing for months.”
“Being able to work on interpreting a piece of music alongside its writer it is such an informative and important experience-and not something you have the opportunity to do every day! No matter what the piece is, a singer benefits greatly from being exposed to the writer's insights and being reminded of the journey each piece of music goes through during its conception. Then, you add the fact that it's John Bucchino's music you are working on, and things get even more exciting!”
“John's class was inspiring, educational, and charmingly led in a way that engaged the whole room at all times. We were thrilled to spend the afternoon with him, and all we learned will certainly stay with us far beyond that one afternoon.”
“Absolutely incredible. He worked with us in a way that we could relate to which meant that we were able to see and feel the improvement as we went. Truly an amazing artist with so much life bursting out of his music with nothing but excitement in sharing it with us.”
“Getting to sing his beautiful music is a gift in itself, but having its creator bring it to life WITH you is an experience like no other. I've never seen so much passion and creation wrapped up in one person, and I can only aspire to approach that level of artistry one day in my own performance.”
“It was truly a blessing to work with such a wonderful musician, artist and human being!”
“Thank you so much for coming to Elon University to share your immense talent with us. We get a good number of Master Classes at Elon, but never have I been so emotionally involved and affected watching one. Your music is truly incredible and has deeply touched me. You have this beautiful gift and it is so wonderful that you are so willing to share it with as many people as you can. Not only is your music gorgeous, but also you are so humble and kind! Thank you, again, for being so gracious and showing us what it means to be a true artist. I will always treasure that experience!”
“I'm not sure if these words can capture what a truly beautiful person and musician Bucchino is, but I almost don't know what to say -- his performance of "My Favorite Things" is to this day the only song I have ever wept at.”
“Working with John on our own allowed us, as performers, to experience a whole new side to his material. It revealed to us how brave and honest his work is and brought the production to new heights. He is one of the most caring and selfless individuals that I have ever worked with. There was never an instance when he wasn’t willing to rehearse once again or spend the time to fix even the tiniest detail. Anyone who has the chance to work with him should consider themselves extremely lucky.”
“Working with John Bucchino was hands down the best opportunity I’ve had in college. His passion and love for his music was manifested in our performing, and I was blown away by the amount I was able to change in just a few days because of his work with us. My concept of music, most especially his, has been forever changed...”
“Working with John Bucchino was one of the most enriching experiences a performer could ask for. His work is truly inspiring, and his incredible energy made my experience one I won’t soon forget.”
“John Bucchino is an incredible human being with an amazing spirit. I feel so blessed to have had the opportunity to work with such a talented man. Creating music with him is an experience I will cherish forever.”